Printech solutions India Pvt Ltd. – B. Dinakara Shetty

We at Printech Solutions India Pvt Ltd are specialized  in  Refilling / Refurbishing of  printer Cartridges,  Sale Service & AMC of printers.

We are an Eco Friendly  Company help postponing the plastic body of the printer cartridges going to theland fill. Refilled/ Refurbished cartridges are Economical thereby saving to the tune of 60-70 % in cost comparing to the cost of new cartridges. We are one of the pioneers in this industry and today one of the big players in Karnataka.

I have requested Ms. Shobha H.K Advocate to issue a legal notice to one of my tenants who was  not  paying rent nor vacating the premises and was also communicable.

Ms. Shobha H.K advised me to send formal notice to the tenant from my side only & if the tenant does not respond to that notice then she will issue legal notice from her side.

She gave me a draft of notice and I sent the same to the tenant to his known address.

To my Suprise, the tenant took cognizance of the notice with all seriousness and settled the arrears of rent and also paying regularly now.

In fact Shobha did not charge me a single rupee but was quite helpful.

I am extremely happy about the Legal Advice rendered  by Shobha. I have no hesitation whatsoever to recommend  Shobha to my contacts and associates.

I wish Shobha all the very best.

For Printech solutions India Pvt Ltd.,

B. Dinakara Shetty

Managing Director